
Stop dabbing!!! Haram for a Muslim

Note- This blog does not criticize any group of human being. We all are humans.  Hello viewers, please make sure you read this carefully because after this you may not be able to do your next dab. Have you ever gave a dab? Nowadays many celebrities are giving these dab after a cool news, an achievement or may be without any reason. Such an example of Neymar giving a dab during the Olympics. This article is about the restriction in giving a dab for a Muslim. What is a dab dance? (Wikipedia)   Dabbing , or the  dab , is a simple dance move in which a person drops the head into the bent crook of a slanted arm, often while raising the opposite arm in a parallel direction but out straight. Since 2015, it has also been used as a gesture of triumph or playfulness, becoming a youthful  American  cultural sensation. The move looks similar to someone sneezing into the "inside" of the elbow. However it have a darker meaning inside. Origins Dab was first inv
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